The Physical Education program at Dromana Primary School provides a range of experiences for all students.

Foundation to grade two students perform basic fundamental motor skills and movement patterns, with or without equipment, in a range of environments. The focus is on skills such as running, jumping, skipping, catching, throwing, kicking, balancing and are introduced to more complex skills such as leaping, dodging, overarm throw, dribbling, bouncing and striking.
Grades three to six students continue to develop motor skills and apply these to sport specific situations. The students explore basic game tactics such as; introducing the concepts of attack and defence, following the rules of the game, and describing the roles of various positions. They begin to work with others to set and achieve goals in both cooperative and competitive game settings. Ipads and devices are used to monitor and assist in improving technique.
Students in grades one to six enjoy participating in the school’s water safety program in term one on the Dromana foreshore. Students in grade five and six have the opportunity to attend a swimming program. Throughout the year students in grades three to six also have opportunities to participate in carnivals for cross country, athletics, swimming and a bike skills competition.
In addition, year 5 and 6 students take part in inter-school summer sport (basketball, cricket, volleyball, ultimate Frisbee and softball) and winter sport (football, soccer, netball, tee ball and table tennis). Our grade sixes are also provided opportunities to participate in girls football, boys netball and rugby gala days. Grade five and six students are also offered a ski camp to Mount Hotham in term three. Each year we cater for students who have never seen the snow before through to advanced skiers.